A Game of Swans Album
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A Game of Swans One-Sheet
- $15
1 Dutchman’s Gold (NKD) A song about greed, death & Jacob Waltz’ secret gold mine in the 1860s Superstition Mountains. I found the clues he left by searching the internet and put them into the chorus. Legend has it that the Mountains are cursed because of the gold.
2 St Jude (Drew Nelson/Janni Littlepage) Immigration from the Old Country & romance during Civil War time. St Jude is patron saint of seemingly lost causes, miracles & 11th Hour salvation.
3 Annabelle (Nancy K Dillon/John Hadley) Woman left all alone in 1800s pioneer cabin goes slowly mad. Inspired by a visit to Don Evan’s homestead outside of Nashville, Tennessee.
4 Game of Swans (Nancy K Dillon/Ian Lang) Celtic-tinged title song co-written with UK singer- songwriter, Ian Lang . The title is an old English collective name for two swans. Poetic wintery imagery weaves themes of time & change with sounds of Antarctic icebergs calving at the end.
5 Fire In The Hole (Pat Long) Oklahoma-born friend & songwriter, Pat Long wrote this true-story mining disaster song set in the mountains of Tennessee. The first song ever emailed to me !
6 1-2-3 (NKD) A tale about simplicity, guns, setting aside the past & the power of love to heal - inspired by the movie “Crash..”
7 Ice & Bone (NKD) The slow-motion collapse of a relationship pretty much speaks for itself.
8 White Dove (NKD) Old-timey secular gospel song about freedom & redemption. How I love Appalachian old-time music ! Sung to a crooked tune, it’s reprised as a fiddle tune on Track 12.
9 Write Me A Letter (NKD) Peppy/poppy number about the demise of setting pen to paper for purposes of professions or confessions of the heart. Contains mild double-entendre’s.
10 Turn The Lights Down Low (NKD) Night-ending slow dance to a sad but hopeful love song.
11 Poor Mans Lullaby (NKD/Gavin Sutherland) Seattle/Aberdeen, Scotland collaboration that started with a waltz & ended up an Everly Brothers-style duet about a hobo walking in the rain.
12 White Dove Reprise (Instrumental (NKD) Stacy Phillips and Michael Connolly turne this song into a beautiful old-timey sounding fiddle tune.