
The Alternate Root reviews "A Game of Swans" in "On The Radar"

Nancy K. Dillon (from the album A Game of Swans)

The sonic quilt stitched for A Game of Swans, the latest release from Nancy K. Dillon, puts together its patchwork of songs to create a picture of the American West, and the journey of the steady stream of immigrants that created the foundation for America in 2018. A Game of Swans shares stories of miner’s lost claims (“Dutchman’s Gold”), tenderly sees the past on dusty shelves (“Ice & Bone”), watches shadows bleed colors together (“Annabelle”), marks off the last trip in a hobo’s travels (“Poor Man’s Lullaby), and finds flames rising in the darkness as the earth bargains for its coal (“Fire in the Hole”). Nancy K. Dillon is the storyteller for A Game of Swans, relating the words without judgment, accenting the troubles with deep emotion as her voice bends and curls against the weight carried in her tales. A winter breeze blows towards spring in the title track as A Game of Swans quietly picks notes for a last chance Civil War prayer to “St. Jude” as the pace picks up, counting “1-2-3” to take Nancy K. Dillon back in time with memories of Townes and the snow on Raton.

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